Anu Ruul

Sustainable innovation strategist

With over 15 years of experience in project management, entrepreneurship and innovation management, Anu Ruul is now helping private companies, c-level and mid-level managers to understand and execute the sustainable innovation process (including ESG compliance).

Passionate about

Sustainable innovation

Mindset of spotting and defining problems, validating them and creating new value is a must not an option while innovating. What is innovation? Innovation can be defined as process of innovating or using new skills, knowledge and technology in order to create economic value. It can be disruptive, incremental, planned or radical change in thinking, processes, organisations or products. We innovate, we build, we learn, we measure, we fail, we succeed. The goal is to reach solid evidence to our problem and solution and create value. There are over ten types of different innovations and every single one of them has to be designed sustainably. From the point of view of profitability and environment.

Passionate about


There is a huge difference between what you think you know and what you know you know. And it makes all the difference in practice. I have trained hundreds of managers both from private and public sector and students from top universities in the world:

Brown University USA (Ivy League), Rennes School of Business France, IÉSEG France. I was co-author of The European Innovation Academy Playbook 2017. I was the founder of an educational project BeWise in 2010. Being able to share my practical experience combined with the theories has proven to be a very effective teaching methodology. As I strongly prefer practical seminars and practical case studies while designing learning paths.

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